Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Western Australia

Areas we Service

We currently service Greater Perth and down to Bunbury, including Mandurah and everywhere in between!

If your place of residence doesn’t quite fall within these areas, contact us as sometimes we venture out a bit further!

We have experienced and fully qualified teams removing popcorn ceilings all around Perth so no matter where you are in Perth, we guarantee a top quality and smooth ceiling that you’ll be happy with!

Get a Free Quote!

Fill out this form and you're one step closer to smooth and modern ceilings for your home!

    Full Name:*



    Address to be resurfaced (optional):


    Link to the realestate.com.au ad (optional):

    Upload photos or plans of your property (optional):


    Information submitted on this form is not shared with anyone or used for any purpose other than to provide the requested quotation.

    Popcorn ceillings are disappearing in Perth! You too can enjoy smooth and modern ceilings just by giving us a call or by filling out our form for a free quote. We guarantee you’ll be happy with the result.

    Our high-tech, ultra-lightweight resurfacing system hides unsightly popcorn ceilings without losing any ceiling height! To make it even better – you don’t even need to get strata approval.

    Before After

    Slide left and right to see before and after results.

    Before After

    Results that speak for themselves

    Move the slider on the photo to see before and after popcorn ceiling removal
    Before After
    Before After

    Smooth ceilings in Perth everyone's happy with

    What our clients say

    Our ceiling teams in Perth have many years experience in providing top quality, industry high level 5 finishes. It will be as if you never had a popcorn ceiling in the first place! If you need your popcorn ceilings removed, then look no further! Simply fill out our form for a free quote. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page or contact us, we’d love to hear from you.